Teaching Series

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Freeing the Wounded Soul

The Father has designed an amazing blueprint for each of His children. However, the enemy has used sin and death to prevent our individual potential from reaching its fullness. It is our Heavenly Father’s full intention to lead anyone who is willing into a fuller alignment with His design for their life.

In Freeing the Wounded Soul, Dr. Steve merges scientific discoveries with the teaching of God’s Word. Joining the two together he leads us into the understanding of how to recover and reclaim lost ground that sin, death and the enemy has stolen from our lives.

  1. Where My Battle Began
  2. Recognizing the Greatest Doorway the Enemy Uses
  3. God Exposes the Hidden Enemy in Our Life
  4. Seeing Where Deliverance Needs to be Applied
  5. Walking Through the Door of Heavens Deliverance
Freeing the Wounded Soul Product shot

Freeing the Wounded Soul

Audio CD

1 CD package

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Freeing Manual Covers

Freeing the Wounded Soul

Participant's Manual

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