How the Enemy Attacks God’s Purpose for our Lives

The story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus has a profound lesson within it. As we reflect upon Jesus’ final days on the Earth, we see that the enemy used Judas to fulfill Bible prophecy. But the account of how the enemy gained access and Judas’ final actions is a lesson for us all.

These details are not recorded by chance, rather for the opening of our eyes to see how the enemy attacks God and His purposes on every front. The scary reality is that the enemy can and does use us to attack, stop, and even prevent the fulfillment of God’s purposes for us. Potentially and tragically, he can also use us to attack God’s purposes for the lives of others.

We need our eyes opened to how we can sabotage the very thing that God is trying to provide. This amazing lesson can have life changing impact.

Join Dr. Steve as he leads us into this essential understanding.

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