Jesus Wants to Be Your Healer – Turn to Him

Jesus approached a man at the pool of Bethesda. He asked him a life changing question. He said, “Do you want to be well”. The man’s answer resulted in a wonderful healing in his life (John 5:1-16).

At first glance, this is a story of a man with a long-standing illness who received mercy and compassion from Jesus. And yes, most definitely it is. But as we consider the historical context and what the people were turning to, this story becomes so much bigger.

Jesus wants us to turn to Him as our healer. He is the source of healing and before we can receive from Him, we need to turn in our heart to Him as our healer. Jesus is asking us the same question. “Do you want to be well”.

The systems of man attempt to hold us back from receiving from Jesus. But they don’t have to.

Join Dr. Steve in this amazing study and discover how Jesus wants to free our heart to embrace Him as our healer.

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