Running By God’s Strength


Audio CD

10 CD Set

In this series we study the role that Man plays upon the Earth. The Word of God teaches us that Man has been given a very important role. God wants to activate that role while the devil fears it and fights against Man’s understanding of it.

In this series we study the Word to see the vital role that God intends for the church to take as the Kingdom of God works upon the Earth. Be prepared to see the purpose that you have on the Earth in a whole new way. It is here that the believers begin to rise up and give God’s kingdom freedom to do some marvelous things in our midst.

The subjects in this study are:

  1. Why Man? – Part One
  2. Why Man? – Part Two
  3. The Perceived Victory
  4. The Cost of Disobedience
  5. God’s Hidden Wisdom
  6. God Required a Man
  7. God Had His Man
  8. God’s Wisdom In Action
  9. The War Over God’s Wisdom