The War Against Women - Pt. 7
If you ask most females, they will tell you that there has been an unusual struggle to arise to the fulness of being their unique self.
If you gaze into the church, you will see varied opinions concerning what women are biblically allowed or not allowed to do. This war exists and has impacted the healthy function of the Body of Christ.
Why is this so? A careful study of God’s Word must start in the garden and unravel God’s original design for both males and females. From this God-created pattern, we then see the exposure of the effect that the fall of mankind had upon the intended function of the female.
As the cause of this war is exposed, suddenly the amazing discovery of the importance and necessity of women is brought back to light. Then in conclusion, we can see God’s heartbeat for the full restoration of women to their original design.
Join Dr. Steve in this enlightening study and understand the battle that most women face and God’s intent to see their full restoration to His calling on their lives.